Specialty Herb Clinic

Root and Branch regularly operates a specialty herb clinic to help patients get quick and cost-effective access to powerful Chinese medicine remedies. Specialty clinics have a theme each month and patients can see an experienced practitioner to get help for a condition that fits the theme or previous specialty clinic users can come back for a follow-up consultation.

Specialty clinics are operated on a first-come, first-served basis, but you can reserve a time slot that will put you on a priority list to be seen before people who have not reserved ahead of time.

Consultation is $30 plus the cost of the herbal formula

What’s the experience like?

  • You’ll arrive at the clinic and take a spot in the queue.

  • You’ll fill out some pre-appointment paperwork and then when it’s your turn, you be called in to see the doctor.

  • They will take your pulse, look at your tongue, ask some questions, maybe listen to your lungs or do an abdominal exam.

  • Then they’ll write you a formula to help with your symptoms or constitution.

  • The pharmacy will fill your formula and then you’ll be on your way!

Specialty Clinic Themes by Month

Please see the clinic events calendar for the specific dates and times for each Specialty Clinic

January: Seasonal Affective Disorder and Mood Problems

February: Indigestion, Heartburn, Acid Reflux

March: Indigestion, Heartburn, Acid Reflux

April: Seasonal Allergies

May: Seasonal Allergies

June: Circulation Issues: Cold Hands & Feet, Neuropathies, Paresthesia

July: Digestive and Bowel Discomforts

August: No Clinic

September: Back to School - Consultations for Kids and Teenagers: Anxiety, Immunity, and Energy

October: Immunity and Resistance

November: Immunity and Resistance

December: Fatigue and Insomnia